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Thursday, May 10, 2012

Another poopy day

Warning: Once again, poop, you can't handle- don't read.

Instead of chronological order today I have ranked the poop stories.

4. Two pairs of underwear in the back yard that were once on a Caleb, now abandoned due to bowel movement.

3.  After seeing Caleb come in the house, again, without underwear I ask him, "Where did you poop?" His reply, "Outside."
Me:"Where outside?"
Caleb, pointing:"I gave it to the kittens."
Nice. I walk outside, see the underwear, at least he didn't touch it just threw the underwear to them. I walk back inside and notice on the porch a toy saw for one of the army men. But wait, that's not dirt that he was sawing.  Yes, it is poop.  A lesson to Caleb on not sawing your poop with the toys.

2. Caleb is very quiet while I am assembling a lego Thomas thing, I'm not an engineer for a good reason.  Caleb, of course, is pooping and I, frustrated, tell him to go to the bathroom and clean up.  A couple minutes and no Caleb so off I go to check on him. What do I see? Caleb, an empty toilet paper roll, and the plunger in the toilet, water on the floor.  His response: "I put too much."  You think? 

1. Went to the park today and Caleb is having a great time playing on the big slide for the first time.  He is by himself up there, Linley asleep in the stroller, Ethan riding his bicycle.  I turn to see Caleb at the top of the structure, pants off, shoes off, and looking down through the metal holes to the ground.  Oh dear, here comes a grandmother with her granddaughter.  I run up the structure, across the "Shaky Bridge"( as the boys call it) very gracefully as you can imagine and up the steps to Caleb. I grab the underwear, not too bad so throw it back on him along with the shorts and the shoes.  "Where is the poop?"  Caleb, pointing to the mulch below, "Down there." Great.  I get him down, go back to the diaper bag, get a wipe, and start searching for the poop all the while "Grandma" is right next to me surely wondering what in the world I am doing with a wipe looking on the ground. Find the poop and disposed of.  Caleb may now be my poopy dog. I need a doggie poop bag to take with me to the park for my kid. Lovely.

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