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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Ethan is 7

I can't believe it I'm one of those mom's now. I have a seven year old.  Not a little kid anymore. But a 7 year old. That moves me up in a category...of age.  I remember grouping those Mom's whose kids I taught at this age. I thought they were "mature".  Hmm, I don't know that I'll ever consider myself mature, or anyone else can either :P So, Ethan, here is your letter:

7 Things I love about you:

1.  You are loving.  I don't know if I've ever seen someone care about others so much.  The way you take care of Linley literally melts my heart almost every time I see it...when I'm not about to lose my mind due to her screaming.  You can calm her down easier than anyone else.  You care for others.  When you meet a kid you don't know, you don't judge them, you just take them in.  You don't want people feeling like they are on the outside.  Jesus loves that and so do I.

2. Your perfectionism.  Yes, I'm sure it will be a hindrance in some areas and an area God will use to grow you, but I can tell God is going to use it to do mighty things for Him.  This is a trait I have trouble with sometimes, since I don't really have one ounce of this in my body, but you do.  The way you take care of your toys is immaculate (legos mostly).  This ties in with number 3:

3. Your creativity. I'm sometimes amazed about how creative you are. I know that "you are fearfully and wonderfully made," and God has made you to think this way. Once again, not how I would think but you are blessed with this from your dad.  Your designs are flat out amazing when it comes to your play with Lego's or solving a problem...even if it means I said you can have a piece a candy and I can't get it for you at the moment, you somehow always figure out how to get it.

4. Your work ethic.  This is an answer to prayer.  I have prayed for you to "work for the Lord, and not for me, for it is the Lord Christ you are serving!" and to work with all your best efforts.  The fact that you can do and choose to do you and your brother's laundry for me shows initiative (and a desire for an allowance) but you get it done.  Last week you made everyone lunch. Including using the microwave, which you can't even reach. Of course, you figured out how to reach it and what to do and then delivered the meals to everyone. Seriously, your work ethic is something I am proud of. Of course, it is not perfect yet, but you are making great strides.

Here is your work ethic in action, not only did you want to wash the van, you and Caleb then washed yourselves!
5. Your respect and obedience.  I am sometimes amazed at the fact that you are such a rule follower.  Now, this is not always 100%, but when I tell you No for certain things, I have heard you tell others who are trying to coax you into it, "No, my mom said No." and that is that for you.  I am blessed for that.  Ephesians 6:1-Children obey your parents in the Lord for this is right.  You tell your brother and sister, "Don't do that Mom said No."

6. Your gentleness. You aren't aggressive, except with Caleb of course.  Teaching you to play basketball is interesting, I don't think you will ever be a center or ball-hog, it's just not in you.  When Caleb is hurt or Linley, you always have to go and check on them.  Your gentleness is definitely evident.

Caleb was scared going to bed so you got in bed with him to help him go to sleep.  
7. You are full of joy and faith. Even when school is going bad or we've had a rough morning, you quickly get over it. Now don't get me wrong, you sometimes dramatic and it takes a little bit to get over some things, but generally you get over it and just go about the rest of the day.  Reading right now is definitely not your favorite subject but a quick remember, and even a prayer, and we make it through it and move on about our day.  Today we were able to have a Mom and Ethan day.  I don't think I can tell you how many times you told me what a fun day you are having and how many times you said thank you and I love you.  I love you too my Bubby Bear.  And yes, I said that out loud at the baseball game last night when you were catching and you didn't even flinch.  I'm thankful for that. The way you talk about God and your faith in Him shows He's working in your life.  Yesterday you said, Mom, that made God smile didn't it (helping Caleb). Yes, it did, and me too.

Things I've been praying for you-you'll see most of these on your list:
1.Work ethic
2. Obedience
3. Respect
4. Servant's heart.

I love you Ethan Bear!!! God has given me one of the greatest blessings in you!