So, Linley Claire is going on 3. With Caleb, I have blogged and blogged about all of his antics. Let's just say Linley Claire, giving him a run for his money. This all happened just THIS week, so far we are only 5 days into this week.
Sunday: Linley is telling me she has pooped in her diaper. So, off we go, let's go clean up (yes, she is NOT potty trained, not for lack of trying on my part). I notice on her way down from the top bunkin the boys' room that there was a little on her leg, her diaper must have leaked. Then, I see her hands, specifically her fingers. Of course, I had to smell because you never know who has been sneaking chocolate around here. Rest assured, this is definitely NOT chocolate. Off to the bathroom to wash hands along with a lecture that we do not stick our hands in our diaper and touch poop. Then, to change the diaper I now see the front of her legs. There is smeared poop all up and down her right leg. Picture dried chocolate pudding here. Seriously? Why on God's green earth would you put poop on a leg? So now, as I'm changing the diaper I know that there has to be poop somewhere else.
Me: Linley, where is the rest of the poop?
Linley: In my diaper.
Me: Linley, where is the rest of the poop you pulled out of your diaper?
Linley: In Ethan's bed.
For the love, you have got to be kidding me. I call John, who doesn't even question when I say strip Ethan's bed, don't show it to me, just put it in the washer.
Tuesday: I'm teaching library at the new Christian school we have started at our church. Mrs. Jeanne, John's mom, is watching the girls. I'm into the lesson on fiction versus non-fiction when I hear our music minister say, Tori Cole? She's right there? So, who is that woman running frantically through the church looking for me? Oh, surely not MY MOTHER IN LAW WHO HAS BOTH GIRLS!!! After about a mini-heart attack I am told that Linley has stuffed a lego up her nose and she cannot get it out and she is here with both of them. Thankfully our music minister had the light app on his phone, and yes, far up in the left nostril is a lego, lodged in her nostril, behind the cartilage. I closed her right nostril and blew in her mouth. Nothing. Did it again, nothing. Did I mention that to do this to a two year old surrounded by adults is really not the easiest way to get a lego out. I finally get the dr on the phone, Russ is calling John who is teaching a college class at the moment, and I'm trying to convince Linley to blow her nose. Let's just say there is a reason God made her the child who can blow her nose the best. Out it shot onto the sanctuary floor during one good blow. Bless her. I really didn't know whether to laugh or cry considering our pastor walks out with the longest pair of tweezers I've ever seen in my life to help with the situation.
Wednesday: Abigail is sick with a cold and mad as a hornet. I take her to get the mail and walk back in, and I hear Linley. Crying. Seriously? I took a couple steps out of the house to get the mail and what has she done? Gotten in the jumparoo and gotten stuck. Picture this, her knees are touching the ground and her ankles are behind her back. And she is stuck. I mean, I'm pulling her and pulling her and canNOT get her out. I eventually turn the thing over sideways, move an ankle, and tug and out she pops. Now, she laughs hysterically at this: "I stuck in dere."
Thursday: I'm getting orders together for my business in the basement. She is down there with me doing her thing. She tells me now, "I stuck." She is literally 5 feet from me standing but she has walked around some boxes and the treadmill. "Are you stuck over there? Just walk back around the treadmill?" You know, she's two. Just walk around it. No no. She is STUCK. To the GLUE board that has some other insects stuck to it like a couple dead beets among other insects (this is our basement). So I go over and have to hold onto the glue board, she tugs her legs, and finally her foot comes off the glue board. And the dead insects stay on. Lecture again: we do not put our feet on glue boards with insects stuck to them.
This girl, oh this girl. She cracks me up constantly and truly is a blessing. This afternoon I told her, in the car, to just take a nap for a minute. And I turn back around, next thing I know, I hear snoring. Love her.
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Friday, October 31, 2014
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Turkey Break
Lots of things going on around here as usual. If I had time to write weekly I would, but I don't. So here is everything all at once.
I want to be like my kids when I grow up.
We've been talking about ISIS lately and what is happening to Christians in other countries. Specifically, children who love Jesus enough to die for Him. The boys were discussing this right before prayer time the other night.
Caleb: Yes!!!!! I want to die!!! I GET TO SEE JESUS!!!!!!
Ethan: No. We can't die yet. We need to tell others about Jesus.
Yeah, so I just sat there in silence. My kids, no worries, no what would happen to me? Just complete elation to see Jesus and the other the job that needs to be done. Man. I want to be like them when I grow up.
The Ten Commandments
Last week we went to the park while Ethan played soccer. Caleb hit a little girl. I didn't see it, but I knew it was him because he WILLINGLY went and apologized to her when I told him to. (Please understand, Caleb does not WILLINGLY apologize to anyone.) So even though I asked him if he hit her and he said, "No I didn't do it," and "She hit me in the back" I knew that the truth was not being told. I let that one slide about lying. For one, I was at the park surrounded by people, 2, monumental step forward for him not throwing a fit to say sorry to a complete stranger, and 3, I had a baby strapped to my chest and a two year old running around my feet.
The next night all 3 are in the tub. We have the color tablets and I have a rule that only one or two get to go in the tub a night. We don't need brown water, it's dirty enough. So, when I spilled them and turn around to start picking them up Caleb jumps out of the tub and grabs another and quickly throws it in the tub. Then, he tells on himself (guilty conscience).
Caleb: I put another one in. (Now quickly) One of those fell in the tub.
Me: Caleb, you are lying. That is not the truth. That does not make God happy, that is breaking one of the ten commandments...we have our talk. Caleb, that is two times that I have caught you lying. More discipline talk.
Caleb: tantrum in tub
Ethan: Mom, you need to show grace to Caleb. Remember, Jesus shows us grace and you should show him some grace.
Me: Ethan, Caleb is lying. I love him too much the let him sin. He has to learn that he can't lie.
Caleb: continue fit
Ethan to Caleb: Ethan gives him a big lesson on discipline and ends with this: "You won't want to sin anymore and Mom loves you and wants to teach you not to sin."
At this point I think Ethan should be the parent.
Linley Claire has dropped taking her paci. She just forgot about it one night and I never mentioned it because I knew it was somewhere OUTSIDE and there was no way I was going to look around outside at 9 at night for a paci. I mean, I did that last week, I'm not going to do it again this week. So, she's only asked for it a few times. I mean, wow. God blessed me with this answer to prayer. Now I'm moving on to potty training. Here's to hoping she does it by herself...there is always a chance right?
Turkey break
Our steer decided to wreak havoc on the turkey pen. So they are out now. I'm not a big fan of the turkeys, let's leave it at that. Last night I was taking Caleb to soccer practice and I drive by our neighbors house and out of the corner of my eye I see some huge birds on top of their car. Is it a crane? Hmm, that's weird. Then, I turn and I see it:
Those are our turkeys on top of their car. Holy cow. So naturally I call John. He is dealing with Abigail so I turn around and go back and deal with them. I start hysterically waving my arms and they just stare at me. I grab a stick and try to shew them and they turn their backs to me, I throw the stick and it sticks in the feathers. For crying out loud, help a girl out here. I grab a long stick and am running around the car poking them trying to get them off. As I am doing this, they are pooping quarter cups fulls of poop all over the top of their car. Are you kidding me? I finally get the female off and then I start poking at Tom. Tom, the one with the black beard and on the hood, is kind of arrogant and likes to strut his stuff. I have to say I was running on the other side of the car to get back to the van making sure he wasn't chasing me.
I get back in the van, Caleb is in the middle next to Linley watching all of this go down. I wonder what he thinks in his head about me? We start heading to soccer practice. I call John. He asks me if I tried to get them to head back to our house. And that's a negative. Last time I saw them they were headed to the big road, and honestly, I wasn't about to stop them. We make it to soccer after all of this and low and behold, soccer is CANCELLED. Now Linley Claire is throwing a fit because she wants to go to soccer practice. Bless her. She's two. Soccer is for Caleb. We get home after this thirty minute rendezvous and John has the turkeys back in the pen and Abigail asleep. At least that's accomplished. I talked to our neighbors this morning and apologized and offered the boys' services of cleaning the car but they had already done it (it's 10 in the morning!! holy cow!!) and she was wondering what it was on there. Squirrel, cat? I don't know why she wouldn't right off the bat think of turkeys. I mean, that's only natural.
*If you want two midget white turkeys, John has them listed on craigslist. I'm sure we will give you a good deal for them!*
*If you want two midget white turkeys, John has them listed on craigslist. I'm sure we will give you a good deal for them!*
Just a few of the blessings going on around here and I wouldn't change a thing, Well, except for the pooping turkeys, but what would one of my blogs be without a little bit of poop?
Friday, August 8, 2014
Seriously, I cannot make this stuff up.
So, I am behind again and Iwill have to backtrack on all that has happened in the past month and a half with Abigail's arrival. But, I had to write this one down before I forget.
Yesterday I ventured out the entire morning with the whole crew, AKA 4 children, by myself. Having to deal with a newborn plus a 2 1/2, 5, and 7 year old was actually not that bad. Church, hearing tests, McDonalds, picking apples, and then back home. They were so good at McDonalds that all the senior citizens there kept saying how GOOD my kids were. Okay, once I literally laughed out loud in a ladies face when she said that because she was specifically talking about the boys. Now they were being wonderful. I mean it, I was feeding Abigail in McDonalds and we hung out there for an hour while we got everyone fed including the baby plus refills, multiple ketchup refills, ketchup spills, loss of shoes. So, when John went to his meeting last night I should have been prepared......
I was on the computer, literally for maximum 10 minutes trying to get an order in for a party I had online. I had Abigail in my room supposedly sleeping, which means of course she was not, two boys in the bathtub. and Linley Claire snacking on an apple that I had peeled for her. Then, I hear Linley losing it in the bathroom with the boys. She comes crying to me and throwing a fit about cleaning her apple.
Me: Linley, your apple is fine.
And 2 year old temper tantrum begins including throwing things in the floor. I have to straighten her out and she finally settles down in my lap while I'm finishing up my order. The boys come in.
Me: What in the world was Linley so upset about?
Ethan: She was upset because we threw her apple in the toilet.
Yes, you read that right. Toilet. This is the next kicker:
Ethan and Caleb thinking to themselves: Why does mom look like her head is fixing to spin off? ... We just busted ourselves.
Me: Was there pee in it?
Ethan and Caleb cautiously now: yeeeesssss.
Me: WHHHHHAAAATTTT??? How did she get it out?
Ethan: She put her hand in it.
Linley is sitting in my lap at this point, eating her apple, playing around on the keyboard of the laptop. EEEWWWWWW!!!!!
I go into the bathroom and this is what I see:
Not only is there water all over the floor, the toilet lid is up, the scrub brush is in it, and yes, there is pee in it. Of course, I naturally send the boys straight to their room and Linley and I go to the bathroom and I do the 20 question game.
Me: Linley, where was you apple?
Lineley: in there.
Me: Where?
Linley, pointing: in toilet.
Me: Who put in there?
Linley: dey did.
Me: How did you get it out?
Linley: with dat. (pointing to scrub brush).
Me: Show me.
She did. Then, she giggles. Holy moley. I am on the phone with my twin sister and instead of completely having a mental breakdown I go into hysterical laughing. Literally, crying we're laughing so hard.
I give Linley her bath and she runs into the boys room naked laughing at them. What do they do? Launch lincoln logs at her. At this point here comes a sermon, a very PASSIONATE sermon. That ended with both boys hugging Linley, apologizing, and asking her if they could get out of timeout because that was up to her. She did, enter sermon about receiving mercy and love which they did not deserve and we do not deserve from Jesus, once again very passionately given.
So, lesson learned here: 1. Jesus shows us mercy and love that we do not deserve and we can too.
2. When your two year old asks to wash her apple, do it.
Yesterday I ventured out the entire morning with the whole crew, AKA 4 children, by myself. Having to deal with a newborn plus a 2 1/2, 5, and 7 year old was actually not that bad. Church, hearing tests, McDonalds, picking apples, and then back home. They were so good at McDonalds that all the senior citizens there kept saying how GOOD my kids were. Okay, once I literally laughed out loud in a ladies face when she said that because she was specifically talking about the boys. Now they were being wonderful. I mean it, I was feeding Abigail in McDonalds and we hung out there for an hour while we got everyone fed including the baby plus refills, multiple ketchup refills, ketchup spills, loss of shoes. So, when John went to his meeting last night I should have been prepared......
I was on the computer, literally for maximum 10 minutes trying to get an order in for a party I had online. I had Abigail in my room supposedly sleeping, which means of course she was not, two boys in the bathtub. and Linley Claire snacking on an apple that I had peeled for her. Then, I hear Linley losing it in the bathroom with the boys. She comes crying to me and throwing a fit about cleaning her apple.
Me: Linley, your apple is fine.
And 2 year old temper tantrum begins including throwing things in the floor. I have to straighten her out and she finally settles down in my lap while I'm finishing up my order. The boys come in.
Me: What in the world was Linley so upset about?
Ethan: She was upset because we threw her apple in the toilet.
Yes, you read that right. Toilet. This is the next kicker:
Ethan and Caleb thinking to themselves: Why does mom look like her head is fixing to spin off? ... We just busted ourselves.
Me: Was there pee in it?
Ethan and Caleb cautiously now: yeeeesssss.
Me: WHHHHHAAAATTTT??? How did she get it out?
Ethan: She put her hand in it.
Linley is sitting in my lap at this point, eating her apple, playing around on the keyboard of the laptop. EEEWWWWWW!!!!!
I go into the bathroom and this is what I see:
Not only is there water all over the floor, the toilet lid is up, the scrub brush is in it, and yes, there is pee in it. Of course, I naturally send the boys straight to their room and Linley and I go to the bathroom and I do the 20 question game.
Me: Linley, where was you apple?
Lineley: in there.
Me: Where?
Linley, pointing: in toilet.
Me: Who put in there?
Linley: dey did.
Me: How did you get it out?
Linley: with dat. (pointing to scrub brush).
Me: Show me.
She did. Then, she giggles. Holy moley. I am on the phone with my twin sister and instead of completely having a mental breakdown I go into hysterical laughing. Literally, crying we're laughing so hard.
I give Linley her bath and she runs into the boys room naked laughing at them. What do they do? Launch lincoln logs at her. At this point here comes a sermon, a very PASSIONATE sermon. That ended with both boys hugging Linley, apologizing, and asking her if they could get out of timeout because that was up to her. She did, enter sermon about receiving mercy and love which they did not deserve and we do not deserve from Jesus, once again very passionately given.
So, lesson learned here: 1. Jesus shows us mercy and love that we do not deserve and we can too.
2. When your two year old asks to wash her apple, do it.
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Caleb is 5!
Yes, it is late, but don't think I forgot!!5 things about Caleb for his 5th Birthday!
2.Funny. Yes, being the second born I think you tend to be the funny one. It seems that everything you tend to do gets me to laugh, or sometimes want to pull my hair out. But, you always are funny, even when you aren't trying to be. That is a gift that God will use.
3. Detail oriented. Now, don't get me wrong. When it comes to chores there is a lot to be learned here. But, when it comes to school, legos, games etc, you are one of the most detail oriented people I have ever seen. I think you get that from your dad. Not many 5 year olds can pull off a lego set made for 12 year olds and then notice when a piece is out of place.
4. Creative. You love to draw, write, color, and build. Seriously. You much rather use a blank piece of paper as opposed to a coloring book.
5. Energetic. You require the least amount of sleep of anyone in the house. Literally. You are the first to get up and a morning person, a night person, a middle-of-the-day person. It kills me sometimes.
Caleb, God has blessed our family with you. You are an amazing child of God. He is going to use you to do great and mighty things for Him!! I can't wait to see!! I love you! Happy 5th Birthday!!!
Thursday, June 12, 2014
Beach days
Before Abigail gets here our family decided to venture to Fort Morgan, AL. It was quite a trip!!
The drive to and from the beach with three children actually was quite uneventful. Luckily, John bought new (to them) dvd's of Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers and we watched over 600 minutes of that on the trip. Needless to say when I walked through various places and am singing Rescue Rangers theme song you know why.
The beach itself was quite fun. Linley didn't scream at each and every wave so that was a major plus. It wasn't burning up so that was also a blessing. However, it was quite windy and we didn't get to in the waves as much.
The seagulls were very entertaining. I would say there were anywhere from 50-100 on any given day. They were staying a little bit in from the beach due to a low spot where alot of water from the monsoon they had the week before. So, we had to walk through poop infested water to get back to the boardwalk. That was quite interesting. Ethan and Caleb didn't enjoy walking through poop everytime we had to go back. You can imagine the conversations and funny runs through it.
Speaking of seagulls... we were sitting on the beach building sand castles when the kids wanted snack time. So, we get out our snacks and enjoy ourselves. Of course, we had a couple spills of cheeze its and graham crackers but no biggee. Then, all of a sudden I notice the sea gulls getting closer and closer. They are no longer walking on the beach but are starting to fly overhead. Then, they swoop in lower and lower to where they are about 10 feet above us. Squawking warnings at us. Side note: did I mention I'm not a fan of Wizard of Oz because of the flying monkeys? Yes, this is what those seagulls reminded me of. Back to story: Caleb, Linley and I start noticing how close these are when they suddenly start swooping down right at us trying to get our snacks, especially the ones that are scattered around us on the sand. They take turns squawking and swooping as fast as they can getting pieces of snack. I, of course, do not play it very cool. Picture 7 month pregnant woman, surrounded by three children, and angry, menacing seagulls swooping down at us. I jump up and run as fast as I can in circles screaming at John. I'm sorry, but what can he do? He's right next to me building a castle. So, Ethan and Caleb jump up and start grabbing sand and throwing it trying to deter those mongrels and Linley is just sitting there watching all this happen. I am running around like a raving lunatic screaming while I just left my two year old sitting in the midst of it all. John then brings that to my attention. I then muster as much courage as possible and enter the ring of flying seagulls and retrieve Linley while the boys are trying to chase them. Those flying monkey seagulls stayed flying overhead of us for about 20 long as they could see the snack bags!!!!!!! If we even put a hand in the snack bag they would all fly over to us thinking it was treat time.
Needless to say, the beach was wonderful and we had a great time...all except for the seagulls.
The drive to and from the beach with three children actually was quite uneventful. Luckily, John bought new (to them) dvd's of Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers and we watched over 600 minutes of that on the trip. Needless to say when I walked through various places and am singing Rescue Rangers theme song you know why.
The beach itself was quite fun. Linley didn't scream at each and every wave so that was a major plus. It wasn't burning up so that was also a blessing. However, it was quite windy and we didn't get to in the waves as much.
The seagulls were very entertaining. I would say there were anywhere from 50-100 on any given day. They were staying a little bit in from the beach due to a low spot where alot of water from the monsoon they had the week before. So, we had to walk through poop infested water to get back to the boardwalk. That was quite interesting. Ethan and Caleb didn't enjoy walking through poop everytime we had to go back. You can imagine the conversations and funny runs through it.
Speaking of seagulls... we were sitting on the beach building sand castles when the kids wanted snack time. So, we get out our snacks and enjoy ourselves. Of course, we had a couple spills of cheeze its and graham crackers but no biggee. Then, all of a sudden I notice the sea gulls getting closer and closer. They are no longer walking on the beach but are starting to fly overhead. Then, they swoop in lower and lower to where they are about 10 feet above us. Squawking warnings at us. Side note: did I mention I'm not a fan of Wizard of Oz because of the flying monkeys? Yes, this is what those seagulls reminded me of. Back to story: Caleb, Linley and I start noticing how close these are when they suddenly start swooping down right at us trying to get our snacks, especially the ones that are scattered around us on the sand. They take turns squawking and swooping as fast as they can getting pieces of snack. I, of course, do not play it very cool. Picture 7 month pregnant woman, surrounded by three children, and angry, menacing seagulls swooping down at us. I jump up and run as fast as I can in circles screaming at John. I'm sorry, but what can he do? He's right next to me building a castle. So, Ethan and Caleb jump up and start grabbing sand and throwing it trying to deter those mongrels and Linley is just sitting there watching all this happen. I am running around like a raving lunatic screaming while I just left my two year old sitting in the midst of it all. John then brings that to my attention. I then muster as much courage as possible and enter the ring of flying seagulls and retrieve Linley while the boys are trying to chase them. Those flying monkey seagulls stayed flying overhead of us for about 20 long as they could see the snack bags!!!!!!! If we even put a hand in the snack bag they would all fly over to us thinking it was treat time.
Needless to say, the beach was wonderful and we had a great time...all except for the seagulls.
We also went put-put golfing. Ethan and Caleb were Tiger Woods with 3 hole in ones between the two of them plus a couple Happy Gilmore shots. John and I were the only two who landed our golf balls in the water stream, with all three kids missing it. How is that possible?
Saturday, May 24, 2014
This is not the Dominater.
Yes, this post is a long time coming. And let me begin by letting you know that John aspires to be a tornado chaser. One of his favorite shows was on Discovery called Storm Chasers with Reed Timmer. If you know about Reed, he invented a car called the Dominater that can withstand some tornadoes. It actually goes inside the tornado.
A couple weeks ago John and I were on our way to his parents house for a quick dinner before I had a meeting. Typical spring day here, threats of storms and tornadoes had just been through further south. John and I had a discussion on the way over about how many people who watch live Tornado chasing videos online. Reed has a, that shows their live feeds from their cars chasing tornadoes, and it shows on there how many people are viewing the different chasers. We were also discussing how people are looking for something exciting in their lives to happen. We then eat a quick meal and start heading back so I can make it to my meeting in time when we are driving are a back road. Discussion:
Me: John, do you see that?
John: That looks like a funnel cloud. (As we are driving towards it)
Me: It IS a tornado!!!!! (In the short span of time as we said this it literally dropped down about 3 miles away from us).
John: Get your camera!
John stops on the back road and we start filming. Of course, I am not as adventurous as John, especially when it comes to tornadoes, and I give him a look that says, YOU ARE CRAZY DO NOT STOP HERE!!!! But, of course, John calmly says that it isn't coming our way and we sit and watch. The commentary that followed was very interesting:
John: Boys, do you see that tornado?
Caleb: YEAH! A tornado!!
Ethan: I don't see it.
Caleb: It's right there!!
Ethan: I don't see it.
Caleb: It's right there!!
Ethan: I'm scared.
John: don't be scared. It isn't coming this way.
John-looking at me: Can we turn around, cut back towards it, and get a better view?
Me: With a look on my face that says, ARE YOU CRAZY? But in a calm voice, replies: No, we have kids in the car.
John nods. He knew it. But still wanting to be in the Dominater and intercept this tornado. The tornado then goes further down and touches ground, heaving up a steeple from the church he grew up in, as well as a trampoline of people living next door.
John: Yes!!!
Ethan: Mom, I'm done with my pickle. What can I do with it?
Me: Throw it out. It's a pickle. The birds will enjoy.
Ethan: Can you just open the door so I can jump out and throw it out?
Me: No, just try and stuff if out your window. We are on a road. We can't just open up the doors and let you jump out. (As two sheriff vehicles go flying by with their sirens on, apparently they are secret tornado chasers too. Did mention that there is a tornado only a couple miles away?)
John: Boys, watch the tornado. You may never see this again in your life.
Caleb: Can we go yet?
Ethan: I can't get my pickle out the window.
Me: Ethan, just squish it down.
Caleb: Is it over? Can we go now?
John: Just watch the tornado.
John calls his family and gets them on the phone informing them a tornado is on the way, (it did go directly over their house but it was not down on the ground). We go by the church and see the steeple as well as the people next door and praise the Lord all were safe. So, John actually got a tornado chase in, even though it wasn't on purpose and he didn't get to lower the spikes in the minivan, he did get to watch a real tornado only a few miles away. A few miles away is too close for me.
A couple weeks ago John and I were on our way to his parents house for a quick dinner before I had a meeting. Typical spring day here, threats of storms and tornadoes had just been through further south. John and I had a discussion on the way over about how many people who watch live Tornado chasing videos online. Reed has a, that shows their live feeds from their cars chasing tornadoes, and it shows on there how many people are viewing the different chasers. We were also discussing how people are looking for something exciting in their lives to happen. We then eat a quick meal and start heading back so I can make it to my meeting in time when we are driving are a back road. Discussion:
Me: John, do you see that?
John: That looks like a funnel cloud. (As we are driving towards it)
Me: It IS a tornado!!!!! (In the short span of time as we said this it literally dropped down about 3 miles away from us).
John: Get your camera!
John stops on the back road and we start filming. Of course, I am not as adventurous as John, especially when it comes to tornadoes, and I give him a look that says, YOU ARE CRAZY DO NOT STOP HERE!!!! But, of course, John calmly says that it isn't coming our way and we sit and watch. The commentary that followed was very interesting:
John: Boys, do you see that tornado?
Caleb: YEAH! A tornado!!
Ethan: I don't see it.
Caleb: It's right there!!
Ethan: I don't see it.
Caleb: It's right there!!
Ethan: I'm scared.
John: don't be scared. It isn't coming this way.
John-looking at me: Can we turn around, cut back towards it, and get a better view?
Me: With a look on my face that says, ARE YOU CRAZY? But in a calm voice, replies: No, we have kids in the car.
John nods. He knew it. But still wanting to be in the Dominater and intercept this tornado. The tornado then goes further down and touches ground, heaving up a steeple from the church he grew up in, as well as a trampoline of people living next door.
John: Yes!!!
Ethan: Mom, I'm done with my pickle. What can I do with it?
Me: Throw it out. It's a pickle. The birds will enjoy.
Ethan: Can you just open the door so I can jump out and throw it out?
Me: No, just try and stuff if out your window. We are on a road. We can't just open up the doors and let you jump out. (As two sheriff vehicles go flying by with their sirens on, apparently they are secret tornado chasers too. Did mention that there is a tornado only a couple miles away?)
John: Boys, watch the tornado. You may never see this again in your life.
Caleb: Can we go yet?
Ethan: I can't get my pickle out the window.
Me: Ethan, just squish it down.
Caleb: Is it over? Can we go now?
John: Just watch the tornado.
John calls his family and gets them on the phone informing them a tornado is on the way, (it did go directly over their house but it was not down on the ground). We go by the church and see the steeple as well as the people next door and praise the Lord all were safe. So, John actually got a tornado chase in, even though it wasn't on purpose and he didn't get to lower the spikes in the minivan, he did get to watch a real tornado only a few miles away. A few miles away is too close for me.
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Ethan is 7
I can't believe it I'm one of those mom's now. I have a seven year old. Not a little kid anymore. But a 7 year old. That moves me up in a category...of age. I remember grouping those Mom's whose kids I taught at this age. I thought they were "mature". Hmm, I don't know that I'll ever consider myself mature, or anyone else can either :P So, Ethan, here is your letter:
7 Things I love about you:
1. You are loving. I don't know if I've ever seen someone care about others so much. The way you take care of Linley literally melts my heart almost every time I see it...when I'm not about to lose my mind due to her screaming. You can calm her down easier than anyone else. You care for others. When you meet a kid you don't know, you don't judge them, you just take them in. You don't want people feeling like they are on the outside. Jesus loves that and so do I.
2. Your perfectionism. Yes, I'm sure it will be a hindrance in some areas and an area God will use to grow you, but I can tell God is going to use it to do mighty things for Him. This is a trait I have trouble with sometimes, since I don't really have one ounce of this in my body, but you do. The way you take care of your toys is immaculate (legos mostly). This ties in with number 3:
3. Your creativity. I'm sometimes amazed about how creative you are. I know that "you are fearfully and wonderfully made," and God has made you to think this way. Once again, not how I would think but you are blessed with this from your dad. Your designs are flat out amazing when it comes to your play with Lego's or solving a problem...even if it means I said you can have a piece a candy and I can't get it for you at the moment, you somehow always figure out how to get it.
4. Your work ethic. This is an answer to prayer. I have prayed for you to "work for the Lord, and not for me, for it is the Lord Christ you are serving!" and to work with all your best efforts. The fact that you can do and choose to do you and your brother's laundry for me shows initiative (and a desire for an allowance) but you get it done. Last week you made everyone lunch. Including using the microwave, which you can't even reach. Of course, you figured out how to reach it and what to do and then delivered the meals to everyone. Seriously, your work ethic is something I am proud of. Of course, it is not perfect yet, but you are making great strides.
6. Your gentleness. You aren't aggressive, except with Caleb of course. Teaching you to play basketball is interesting, I don't think you will ever be a center or ball-hog, it's just not in you. When Caleb is hurt or Linley, you always have to go and check on them. Your gentleness is definitely evident.
Things I've been praying for you-you'll see most of these on your list:
1.Work ethic
2. Obedience
3. Respect
4. Servant's heart.
I love you Ethan Bear!!! God has given me one of the greatest blessings in you!
7 Things I love about you:
1. You are loving. I don't know if I've ever seen someone care about others so much. The way you take care of Linley literally melts my heart almost every time I see it...when I'm not about to lose my mind due to her screaming. You can calm her down easier than anyone else. You care for others. When you meet a kid you don't know, you don't judge them, you just take them in. You don't want people feeling like they are on the outside. Jesus loves that and so do I.
2. Your perfectionism. Yes, I'm sure it will be a hindrance in some areas and an area God will use to grow you, but I can tell God is going to use it to do mighty things for Him. This is a trait I have trouble with sometimes, since I don't really have one ounce of this in my body, but you do. The way you take care of your toys is immaculate (legos mostly). This ties in with number 3:
3. Your creativity. I'm sometimes amazed about how creative you are. I know that "you are fearfully and wonderfully made," and God has made you to think this way. Once again, not how I would think but you are blessed with this from your dad. Your designs are flat out amazing when it comes to your play with Lego's or solving a problem...even if it means I said you can have a piece a candy and I can't get it for you at the moment, you somehow always figure out how to get it.
4. Your work ethic. This is an answer to prayer. I have prayed for you to "work for the Lord, and not for me, for it is the Lord Christ you are serving!" and to work with all your best efforts. The fact that you can do and choose to do you and your brother's laundry for me shows initiative (and a desire for an allowance) but you get it done. Last week you made everyone lunch. Including using the microwave, which you can't even reach. Of course, you figured out how to reach it and what to do and then delivered the meals to everyone. Seriously, your work ethic is something I am proud of. Of course, it is not perfect yet, but you are making great strides.
Here is your work ethic in action, not only did you want to wash the van, you and Caleb then washed yourselves!
5. Your respect and obedience. I am sometimes amazed at the fact that you are such a rule follower. Now, this is not always 100%, but when I tell you No for certain things, I have heard you tell others who are trying to coax you into it, "No, my mom said No." and that is that for you. I am blessed for that. Ephesians 6:1-Children obey your parents in the Lord for this is right. You tell your brother and sister, "Don't do that Mom said No."6. Your gentleness. You aren't aggressive, except with Caleb of course. Teaching you to play basketball is interesting, I don't think you will ever be a center or ball-hog, it's just not in you. When Caleb is hurt or Linley, you always have to go and check on them. Your gentleness is definitely evident.
Caleb was scared going to bed so you got in bed with him to help him go to sleep.
7. You are full of joy and faith. Even when school is going bad or we've had a rough morning, you quickly get over it. Now don't get me wrong, you sometimes dramatic and it takes a little bit to get over some things, but generally you get over it and just go about the rest of the day. Reading right now is definitely not your favorite subject but a quick remember, and even a prayer, and we make it through it and move on about our day. Today we were able to have a Mom and Ethan day. I don't think I can tell you how many times you told me what a fun day you are having and how many times you said thank you and I love you. I love you too my Bubby Bear. And yes, I said that out loud at the baseball game last night when you were catching and you didn't even flinch. I'm thankful for that. The way you talk about God and your faith in Him shows He's working in your life. Yesterday you said, Mom, that made God smile didn't it (helping Caleb). Yes, it did, and me too. Things I've been praying for you-you'll see most of these on your list:
1.Work ethic
2. Obedience
3. Respect
4. Servant's heart.
I love you Ethan Bear!!! God has given me one of the greatest blessings in you!
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Ice days
Well, we survived our ice storm of 2014. Praise the Lord we had no power outages, but we did have lots of sleet...that made for interesting snow balls and general getting out of the house. We homeschool, and much to Ethan's dismay, we don't have "snow days" at the Cole Family Homeschool. We do school. It's not like we can go outside and enjoy ourselves much anyway. So, here are a few things that happened in ONE DAY of the ice storm.
We are sitting at the table doing our Bible time. We are talking about the Ten Commandments. One question asked is how do Christians in today's world break the Ten Commandments? Oh, here you go:
Caleb: I don't covet. I don't want anyone else's toys. I just want to go to Wal-Mart and buy my own.
Ethan: Caleb, you break the ten commandments. You lie.
Caleb: I don't covet though.
Ethan was more worried about pointing out Caleb's sins than he was his own and Caleb was very proud of himself for not coveting. Round and round they go when I finally have to tell Ethan:
You have enough sins of your own to be worrying about, quit pointing out his. (Yes, we do need to help others overcome their sins, but when he is not even thinking about his own, it's starting to raise the blood pressure of everyone in the room, especially the 4 year old whose sins he is pointing out.)
John is home for his spring break so he is entertaining Linley Claire and Caleb in the hallway. Ethan and I are at the table doing math. Normally, Ethan's favorite and easiest subject. Today was no different. His math skills really do amaze me, I know I didn't teach this stuff to 1st graders when I was teaching and he literally flies through it. However, this day, he wanted to be in the hallway wrestling with Dad and Caleb. So, adding two digit addends came super easy, but major time consuming because all he wanted to do was go join in on the wrestling. Enter, melt-down mode and voluntary time-out on his part.
I move to the hallway and start writing down all of the spelling words for our spelling activity, Here comes Linley, grabbing more chalk and writing on the same board. And here comes Caleb, grabbing the eraser, erasing Linley's work, trying to fix my words. Enter Ethan, standing beside me pouting ready to do the fun spelling game. Me, in the floor, surrounded by three kids, all with different agendas on the chalk board.
After spelling, it's time for lunch. (Note here: I am terrible at potty training. I will not potty train LC until she begs. Lately, she wants to take off her clothes and sit on the potty.) All of a sudden Linley is walking around with no diaper on. I go to get her diaper back on...enter melt down. We make it half way down the hall, and I realize there is something on my arm, enter my melt down.
John comes running up the basement stairs once he hears me screaming, Ethan and Caleb run to Linley's room to see the cool poop on Mom's arm. Linley is still screaming because I have to put a diaper on her. Then begins the hunt for the poop. Be careful where you walk boys.
Lunch is finished now to finish up reading. We are discussing a story on a brave soldier who went to war. He had to fly in a plane to make it to Qatar. Ethan is into it. Then begins the questioning:
Me: So, how did the soldiers get to the war?
Ethan: on a plane.
Me: And how long did the story say it took to get there?
Ethan: Long enough for sleeping on the plane. What did they eat on the plane?
Me: Well, it took around 8 -12 hours to get there so they probably had a couple meals.
Ethan: Did they eat supper?
Me: I don't know.
Ethan: Was it good?
Me: Probably not, airplane food isn't usually good. (Not to mention this is United Airlines we're talking here.)
Ethan: What did they eat for lunch?
Me: I don't know, probably sandwiches.
Ethan: What about breakfast?
Me: At this point I'm starting to lose it and laugh hysterically because we are reading about a brave soldier and we're having a 5 minute discussion on what he ate on the plane ride. Oh yeah, did I mention I'm pregnant so my head isn't screwed on right anyway.
Ethan: In my face now, PANCAKES!!!! DO THEY EAT PANCAKES?
Me: I doubt it, probably biscuits.
Now, trying to redirect back to the point of our lesson was a quite a challenge but once we figured out the eating situation he was ready to move on.
The kids finally go outside to play in the snow/ice. I'm working on dinner and run on the back porch to place the scraps out. All of a sudden I hear a "WHOOOSSHH!" And something goes flying beside me and lands on the porch. Then I hear in a whisper:
Man, we almost got her.
It's Ethan talking to Linley. Of course, I laugh about it and told him he was pretty close as I'm walking back into the house. I turn around to say something to Ethan and am holding the door when something comes flying at my head. Enter evasive action maneuver (as Ethan stated today)... and 007 music: I grab the door to block, I stealthily duck and do some sort of dance, you know-because of my cat-like reflexes, the ice ball sails by and hits the door and explodes into the kitchen. Of course, I scream which makes it even funnier that they almost got me, in the head, with an ice ball, and ice is now all over the kitchen.
I'm thankful we survived the ice days, but man. I thank God for bringing on the spring.
We are sitting at the table doing our Bible time. We are talking about the Ten Commandments. One question asked is how do Christians in today's world break the Ten Commandments? Oh, here you go:
Caleb: I don't covet. I don't want anyone else's toys. I just want to go to Wal-Mart and buy my own.
Ethan: Caleb, you break the ten commandments. You lie.
Caleb: I don't covet though.
Ethan was more worried about pointing out Caleb's sins than he was his own and Caleb was very proud of himself for not coveting. Round and round they go when I finally have to tell Ethan:
You have enough sins of your own to be worrying about, quit pointing out his. (Yes, we do need to help others overcome their sins, but when he is not even thinking about his own, it's starting to raise the blood pressure of everyone in the room, especially the 4 year old whose sins he is pointing out.)
John is home for his spring break so he is entertaining Linley Claire and Caleb in the hallway. Ethan and I are at the table doing math. Normally, Ethan's favorite and easiest subject. Today was no different. His math skills really do amaze me, I know I didn't teach this stuff to 1st graders when I was teaching and he literally flies through it. However, this day, he wanted to be in the hallway wrestling with Dad and Caleb. So, adding two digit addends came super easy, but major time consuming because all he wanted to do was go join in on the wrestling. Enter, melt-down mode and voluntary time-out on his part.
I move to the hallway and start writing down all of the spelling words for our spelling activity, Here comes Linley, grabbing more chalk and writing on the same board. And here comes Caleb, grabbing the eraser, erasing Linley's work, trying to fix my words. Enter Ethan, standing beside me pouting ready to do the fun spelling game. Me, in the floor, surrounded by three kids, all with different agendas on the chalk board.
After spelling, it's time for lunch. (Note here: I am terrible at potty training. I will not potty train LC until she begs. Lately, she wants to take off her clothes and sit on the potty.) All of a sudden Linley is walking around with no diaper on. I go to get her diaper back on...enter melt down. We make it half way down the hall, and I realize there is something on my arm, enter my melt down.
John comes running up the basement stairs once he hears me screaming, Ethan and Caleb run to Linley's room to see the cool poop on Mom's arm. Linley is still screaming because I have to put a diaper on her. Then begins the hunt for the poop. Be careful where you walk boys.
Lunch is finished now to finish up reading. We are discussing a story on a brave soldier who went to war. He had to fly in a plane to make it to Qatar. Ethan is into it. Then begins the questioning:
Me: So, how did the soldiers get to the war?
Ethan: on a plane.
Me: And how long did the story say it took to get there?
Ethan: Long enough for sleeping on the plane. What did they eat on the plane?
Me: Well, it took around 8 -12 hours to get there so they probably had a couple meals.
Ethan: Did they eat supper?
Me: I don't know.
Ethan: Was it good?
Me: Probably not, airplane food isn't usually good. (Not to mention this is United Airlines we're talking here.)
Ethan: What did they eat for lunch?
Me: I don't know, probably sandwiches.
Ethan: What about breakfast?
Me: At this point I'm starting to lose it and laugh hysterically because we are reading about a brave soldier and we're having a 5 minute discussion on what he ate on the plane ride. Oh yeah, did I mention I'm pregnant so my head isn't screwed on right anyway.
Ethan: In my face now, PANCAKES!!!! DO THEY EAT PANCAKES?
Me: I doubt it, probably biscuits.
Now, trying to redirect back to the point of our lesson was a quite a challenge but once we figured out the eating situation he was ready to move on.
The kids finally go outside to play in the snow/ice. I'm working on dinner and run on the back porch to place the scraps out. All of a sudden I hear a "WHOOOSSHH!" And something goes flying beside me and lands on the porch. Then I hear in a whisper:
Man, we almost got her.
It's Ethan talking to Linley. Of course, I laugh about it and told him he was pretty close as I'm walking back into the house. I turn around to say something to Ethan and am holding the door when something comes flying at my head. Enter evasive action maneuver (as Ethan stated today)... and 007 music: I grab the door to block, I stealthily duck and do some sort of dance, you know-because of my cat-like reflexes, the ice ball sails by and hits the door and explodes into the kitchen. Of course, I scream which makes it even funnier that they almost got me, in the head, with an ice ball, and ice is now all over the kitchen.
I'm thankful we survived the ice days, but man. I thank God for bringing on the spring.
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
A day of tantrums
Today, it seems everyone wanted to throw a tantrum. I wish I could have. I nearly did. I realized what I didn't pray for during my devotion time...I think they probably will figure out what I didn't pray for as well.
Today was our MOPS day, a day that is not an ordinary day at the Cole house. Our school schedule is changed for the day and moved to the afternoon. So, we had to get moving.
Enter tantrum 1: Linley
The boys are getting ready and I have to change her diaper and get her clothed. I get her diaper off, get her laid on the changing table and the poop hits the fan. For at least 5 minutes she screams about putting on a diaper. Now, don't get me wrong, I know that it is probably uncomfortable, bulky, not fashion forward, and gives you a large rear-end when looking in the mirror. However, when you choose not to go to the bathroom in the toilet and I will probably step in it somewhere around the house, you WILL wear one of those things in this house. Finally, the diaper is put on, after several, "What is your deal?" And Ethan standing right beside me making sure I'm not doing anything to her and she is crying of her own free-will (Can we say protective big brother and making her a Diva?) we get her clothes on, which surprisingly she never mentioned that part of the process. Shocker I know.
Enter tantrum 2: Ethan
Time to get shoes on and hit the door. Ethan, however, has literally destroyed his cowboy boots (his fav right now since he doesn't have to tie them) and now has two holes in one boot. Of course, like any Mom, I say, "No. You can't wear your boots. Wear your tennis shoes." And the crying begins. Seriously? You're toes are going to freeze off because it's 20 something degrees outside and not to mention you look homeless wearing those shoes. God has blessed you with another pair of shoes, put them on. And the fit continues, and continues, and continues. I am trying to get ready and this child normally does not need me to "help him" get dressed. After several threats, all bad parenting on my part since I had somewhere to go at a certain time, we make it in the van with tennis shoes. Now I will admit, my voice did not have the most pleasant tone by the end of the altercation. And yes, I remember my serious face coming over me, my eyes bulging, and my voice level raising. If it was possible for steam to come out of my ears this would have been the time. So we are in the van traveling to MOPS and Ethan starts in on his discusison:
Ethan: Mom, you raised your voice at me.
Me: Silence. (I am having a hard time controlling my temper at this moment along with pride admitting I lost my self-control and running the whole altercation through my head that the REASON I lost it is because YOU DID NOT PUT ON YOUR SHOES!!!!!!
Ethan: Mom, why aren't you answering me? You need to ask forgiveness from me.
Me: Ethan, you are right. I am sorry I lose my self-control and raised my voice at you. I lost my patience and I am sorry.
Ethan: I forgive you. I'm not going to tell you sorry.
Me: Silence.
Ethan: Do you want me to say sorry?
Ethan: You won't forgive me.
Me: Yes I will. I already have. Jesus forgives us and I already forgive you.
Ethan: Well okay then. I am sorry.
Me: Thank you. I forgive you.
Ethan: Can I play Batman when I get home now?
I don't think he saw me roll my eyes at that moment.
Tantrum 3: Caleb
We pull up to the church where MOPS is. Caleb starts the conversation:
Caleb: Mom, you did NOT tell me this was where we were going.
Me: Yes I did Caleb. I told you we had MOPS today.
Caleb: I am NOT getting out of this van!!!!!!!
Me: That's your choice, but it is freezing out here and we are all going in.
Caleb's fit escalates in decibels. He gets out of the van and we start walking in.
Caleb: I do NOT like this TERRIBLE CHURCH!! This church is HORRIBLE!!! (and it continues)
Note here: the youth minister of this church and his family are getting out of their van to go to MOPS as well as Caleb is talking about this.
Me: Caleb, you need to be quiet. This church is not horrible.
Caleb: (Holding the door for me as we enter the church) This is a TERRIBLE BUTT day. This day is HORRIBLE. As he is stating this assessment of his day a line of about 20 2 years olds are walking out of the sanctuary of this church to their daycare room.
Me: Caleb, change your attitude.
And that was the end of it.
So, everyone had to get at least one tantrum in for the day just so not to be left out. I should have thrown a tantrum. See how they reacted. That would have been entertaining.
Side note-tonight was Super Hero night at church. Linley wanted to be Batman but Ethan convinced her otherwise (so he could wear the cape) and she wore her tutu. Once we got her tutu on her, we needed to leave. But she goes up to Ethan, stops, and says "DANCE!!" Ethan stops what he is doing, puts everything down, and they literally waltz in the hallway. Then, it's time to go. Yes, I would say she is spoiled.
Even though we had a tantrum day today, it was a blessing that everyone is healthy enough to throw themselves into the floor, or voice their opinions at a high decibel. Thank you God for these blessings. Now, as I am typing this, they are all three sitting in the floor at my feet playing a Lego game together as happy as can be. And, they shared their popcorn. Even Caleb did. Oh how they do love each other. Thank you Lord.
Today was our MOPS day, a day that is not an ordinary day at the Cole house. Our school schedule is changed for the day and moved to the afternoon. So, we had to get moving.
Enter tantrum 1: Linley
The boys are getting ready and I have to change her diaper and get her clothed. I get her diaper off, get her laid on the changing table and the poop hits the fan. For at least 5 minutes she screams about putting on a diaper. Now, don't get me wrong, I know that it is probably uncomfortable, bulky, not fashion forward, and gives you a large rear-end when looking in the mirror. However, when you choose not to go to the bathroom in the toilet and I will probably step in it somewhere around the house, you WILL wear one of those things in this house. Finally, the diaper is put on, after several, "What is your deal?" And Ethan standing right beside me making sure I'm not doing anything to her and she is crying of her own free-will (Can we say protective big brother and making her a Diva?) we get her clothes on, which surprisingly she never mentioned that part of the process. Shocker I know.
Enter tantrum 2: Ethan
Time to get shoes on and hit the door. Ethan, however, has literally destroyed his cowboy boots (his fav right now since he doesn't have to tie them) and now has two holes in one boot. Of course, like any Mom, I say, "No. You can't wear your boots. Wear your tennis shoes." And the crying begins. Seriously? You're toes are going to freeze off because it's 20 something degrees outside and not to mention you look homeless wearing those shoes. God has blessed you with another pair of shoes, put them on. And the fit continues, and continues, and continues. I am trying to get ready and this child normally does not need me to "help him" get dressed. After several threats, all bad parenting on my part since I had somewhere to go at a certain time, we make it in the van with tennis shoes. Now I will admit, my voice did not have the most pleasant tone by the end of the altercation. And yes, I remember my serious face coming over me, my eyes bulging, and my voice level raising. If it was possible for steam to come out of my ears this would have been the time. So we are in the van traveling to MOPS and Ethan starts in on his discusison:
Ethan: Mom, you raised your voice at me.
Me: Silence. (I am having a hard time controlling my temper at this moment along with pride admitting I lost my self-control and running the whole altercation through my head that the REASON I lost it is because YOU DID NOT PUT ON YOUR SHOES!!!!!!
Ethan: Mom, why aren't you answering me? You need to ask forgiveness from me.
Me: Ethan, you are right. I am sorry I lose my self-control and raised my voice at you. I lost my patience and I am sorry.
Ethan: I forgive you. I'm not going to tell you sorry.
Me: Silence.
Ethan: Do you want me to say sorry?
Ethan: You won't forgive me.
Me: Yes I will. I already have. Jesus forgives us and I already forgive you.
Ethan: Well okay then. I am sorry.
Me: Thank you. I forgive you.
Ethan: Can I play Batman when I get home now?
I don't think he saw me roll my eyes at that moment.
Tantrum 3: Caleb
We pull up to the church where MOPS is. Caleb starts the conversation:
Caleb: Mom, you did NOT tell me this was where we were going.
Me: Yes I did Caleb. I told you we had MOPS today.
Caleb: I am NOT getting out of this van!!!!!!!
Me: That's your choice, but it is freezing out here and we are all going in.
Caleb's fit escalates in decibels. He gets out of the van and we start walking in.
Caleb: I do NOT like this TERRIBLE CHURCH!! This church is HORRIBLE!!! (and it continues)
Note here: the youth minister of this church and his family are getting out of their van to go to MOPS as well as Caleb is talking about this.
Me: Caleb, you need to be quiet. This church is not horrible.
Caleb: (Holding the door for me as we enter the church) This is a TERRIBLE BUTT day. This day is HORRIBLE. As he is stating this assessment of his day a line of about 20 2 years olds are walking out of the sanctuary of this church to their daycare room.
Me: Caleb, change your attitude.
And that was the end of it.
So, everyone had to get at least one tantrum in for the day just so not to be left out. I should have thrown a tantrum. See how they reacted. That would have been entertaining.
Side note-tonight was Super Hero night at church. Linley wanted to be Batman but Ethan convinced her otherwise (so he could wear the cape) and she wore her tutu. Once we got her tutu on her, we needed to leave. But she goes up to Ethan, stops, and says "DANCE!!" Ethan stops what he is doing, puts everything down, and they literally waltz in the hallway. Then, it's time to go. Yes, I would say she is spoiled.
Even though we had a tantrum day today, it was a blessing that everyone is healthy enough to throw themselves into the floor, or voice their opinions at a high decibel. Thank you God for these blessings. Now, as I am typing this, they are all three sitting in the floor at my feet playing a Lego game together as happy as can be. And, they shared their popcorn. Even Caleb did. Oh how they do love each other. Thank you Lord.
Monday, February 17, 2014
It's a GIRL!
Hi Everybody!! I'm little sister Cole!!!
Yes, it's a girl (and she is healthy which is the most important). Called that one. Ethan wanted that one-to make it even of course-3 boys 3 girls. Today was the day we went to get the ultrasound. This morning we were all talking about it at the table. Ethan asked how they would know if it was a girl or boy. To be a fly on the wall in that conversation.
Me-well, what is different between you all and me and Linley.
Ethan and Caleb-silence
Me-your peepee. Boys have a penis girls have a vagina.
Caleb-huh huh, vagina
Me-you know, what we do to tell the difference in the kittens.
Ethan-oh, that's what you were looking at.
And then we resumed our lessons in school.
After we found out we had to get back for Ethan's basketball practice. After John took the boys to practice Linley Claire and I went outside to tend to the animals while I had dinner on the stove. First, we did the chickens. LC sat there and talked and talked to them while I got their water then she flipped out, I SCARED! next we moved to the turkeys. LC bit the dust, I mean mud, when she sank into about 4 inches of mud when I pulled her out. Needless to say though, she doesn't mind the mud, she just kept right on going. Then, we came face-to-face with Tom Turkey. I think he wants to come to my freezer. He likes to now start charging the door when you go to feed him or water him. My thought, don't bite the hand that feeds you....OR YOU WILL HAVE HIM FOR DINNER. I think he will be dinner this spring. Then we moved to the cows, where LC didn't want to walk so I had to carry the muddy child down the field. We then dealt with a sick cow where she and I pushed and pulled on him trying to get him to stand and she even let him eat out of her hand. We made it back up but, I smelled something...SMOKE!! Uh oh, I'm over 20 yards from the house and the doors are shut, I should not be smelling it. I run in, I had rice on the stove and it had now burned up and the entire house was completely filled with smoke, I mean the whole house. So, now all the doors of the house are open, most of the windows, and she and I eat dinner. With only now a vegetable, bread, and a little meat, I fed LC and we were off to a friend's house. When John picked up LC at the friend's house while I was at a meeting, the boys made an observation. Linley smells like those people who put those sticks in their mouths. Oh boys, you should have been here. What a celebration dinner!!!
Yes, it's a girl (and she is healthy which is the most important). Called that one. Ethan wanted that one-to make it even of course-3 boys 3 girls. Today was the day we went to get the ultrasound. This morning we were all talking about it at the table. Ethan asked how they would know if it was a girl or boy. To be a fly on the wall in that conversation.
Me-well, what is different between you all and me and Linley.
Ethan and Caleb-silence
Me-your peepee. Boys have a penis girls have a vagina.
Caleb-huh huh, vagina
Me-you know, what we do to tell the difference in the kittens.
Ethan-oh, that's what you were looking at.
And then we resumed our lessons in school.
After we found out we had to get back for Ethan's basketball practice. After John took the boys to practice Linley Claire and I went outside to tend to the animals while I had dinner on the stove. First, we did the chickens. LC sat there and talked and talked to them while I got their water then she flipped out, I SCARED! next we moved to the turkeys. LC bit the dust, I mean mud, when she sank into about 4 inches of mud when I pulled her out. Needless to say though, she doesn't mind the mud, she just kept right on going. Then, we came face-to-face with Tom Turkey. I think he wants to come to my freezer. He likes to now start charging the door when you go to feed him or water him. My thought, don't bite the hand that feeds you....OR YOU WILL HAVE HIM FOR DINNER. I think he will be dinner this spring. Then we moved to the cows, where LC didn't want to walk so I had to carry the muddy child down the field. We then dealt with a sick cow where she and I pushed and pulled on him trying to get him to stand and she even let him eat out of her hand. We made it back up but, I smelled something...SMOKE!! Uh oh, I'm over 20 yards from the house and the doors are shut, I should not be smelling it. I run in, I had rice on the stove and it had now burned up and the entire house was completely filled with smoke, I mean the whole house. So, now all the doors of the house are open, most of the windows, and she and I eat dinner. With only now a vegetable, bread, and a little meat, I fed LC and we were off to a friend's house. When John picked up LC at the friend's house while I was at a meeting, the boys made an observation. Linley smells like those people who put those sticks in their mouths. Oh boys, you should have been here. What a celebration dinner!!!
Thursday, January 9, 2014
Happy 2nd Birthday Linley!
Today marks the day our Little Girl turned two. Two years ago we welcomed our precious little girl Linley Claire Cole into our lives. Who knew you would have all of us wrapped around your finger?
Linley Claire, you seriously crack me up. The fact that you have the wildest blonde hair, unruly just like mine, is hilarious in itself. We have a constant fight with it, and I can foresee how we will be fighting with it in the future-sorry but you have my hair.
Your temperament is unique. You are dramatic and high strung and so sweet at the same time. In one breath you will scream at the top of your lungs, push your brother, and then say "Sorry!" in one the sweetest voices I've ever heard. Alot of this has to do with that you have to fend for yourself with two big brothers. They have taught you a few bad habits that I am having to pray to break you from, not to mention still working on them. You will probably be one of the toughest kids on the block for sure. But, they have also taught you kindness, hugs, kisses, been your dance partners while being Cinderella, and shown you how to just do life. You are always exciting, never dull, and fun.
You are a perfectionist, which I don't see how. You put items back in their place without me ever telling you to. I love the fact that you are my helper all the time. If I'm cooking, you are there, cleaning, you are there, laundry, you are there. I think by age 5 you may be able to cook the whole family dinner including cupcakes, which are your favorite.
You love your pacifiers, which we are going to have issues breaking I can already tell.
You are so smart, sometimes too smart for you own good.
You are a girly girl. You have an opinion on your clothes, bows, shoes, jackets. You get so excited with a big "O" on your mouth and you cover it with your hands even when you get a new bow to wear. You love doing your nails-which is so much fun for me. You sit absolutely still in my lap while we paint, sometimes multiple layers of different colors, on your nails. Then you run to your daddy and brothers and wait for them to gawk over you, which they always do.
You are a people person. You will talk to just about anyone, you bless them with the attention from a little child which lights up people's faces and hearts.
You shine show much love in our hearts. We are so thankful for you and God blessing us with two years with you already. I'm going to cry thinking about you growing up, but I cannot wait to see the woman God will mold you to be. We love you Linley Claire!!
Linley Claire, you seriously crack me up. The fact that you have the wildest blonde hair, unruly just like mine, is hilarious in itself. We have a constant fight with it, and I can foresee how we will be fighting with it in the future-sorry but you have my hair.
Your temperament is unique. You are dramatic and high strung and so sweet at the same time. In one breath you will scream at the top of your lungs, push your brother, and then say "Sorry!" in one the sweetest voices I've ever heard. Alot of this has to do with that you have to fend for yourself with two big brothers. They have taught you a few bad habits that I am having to pray to break you from, not to mention still working on them. You will probably be one of the toughest kids on the block for sure. But, they have also taught you kindness, hugs, kisses, been your dance partners while being Cinderella, and shown you how to just do life. You are always exciting, never dull, and fun.
You are a perfectionist, which I don't see how. You put items back in their place without me ever telling you to. I love the fact that you are my helper all the time. If I'm cooking, you are there, cleaning, you are there, laundry, you are there. I think by age 5 you may be able to cook the whole family dinner including cupcakes, which are your favorite.
You love your pacifiers, which we are going to have issues breaking I can already tell.
You are so smart, sometimes too smart for you own good.
You are a girly girl. You have an opinion on your clothes, bows, shoes, jackets. You get so excited with a big "O" on your mouth and you cover it with your hands even when you get a new bow to wear. You love doing your nails-which is so much fun for me. You sit absolutely still in my lap while we paint, sometimes multiple layers of different colors, on your nails. Then you run to your daddy and brothers and wait for them to gawk over you, which they always do.
You are a people person. You will talk to just about anyone, you bless them with the attention from a little child which lights up people's faces and hearts.
You shine show much love in our hearts. We are so thankful for you and God blessing us with two years with you already. I'm going to cry thinking about you growing up, but I cannot wait to see the woman God will mold you to be. We love you Linley Claire!!
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