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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Farmer's Almanac did not tell the truth.

As you know, we have two boys-4 and 2, and now Linley Claire.  So, we have finally decided it is time to get rid of the "Pappy" as Caleb (2 year old) has fondly named his pacifier. Linley is getting a little older, he's had his transition and it's time to move on.  According to the Farmer's Almanac weaning dates were March 14-22.  So, we went with the 15th-it's a Friday that John doesn't has to work for right now (Til he starts his new job PTL!!). And so it begins.

We put the Pappy in an envelope, he goes with me and we put it in the envelope in the mailbox.  John goes behind me later and takes it away plus puts in a box from a *little boy and girl who are going to use his paci since they don't have one. Wink wink. He is so thrilled with his new pajamas and stuffed Lightening McQueen.  Then, the fits begin. He wants his "Pappy" back. Nap time is about 30 minutes of John getting him calmed down and he actually takes a nap. Wow.  I'm impressed. Of course, I have the thought, "We should have done this earlier if it is this easy." Well, insert foot into mouth.  For 5 days now I have heard more whining that one person ought to endure in an entire year.  Caleb is almost three, and if you don't have a boy or never had kids my theory is that  whoever named "Terrible Twos" had not yet experienced Threes.  Of course, Big Brother likes to instigate some of these meltdowns, but wow.  Several break away runs in an attempt to get his paci back out of the mailbox.  Finally, Sunday we get to bed without much of a to-do.  Then, three in the morning hits. Ethan is up at 3 needing water, Caleb is up at 3:20 having a meltdown about this pacifier and wanting warm milk, then Linley is up at 3:40 A.M. needing a bottle. Seriously? 

Here is a summary of naptimes:
Naptime-Day one, meltdown but napped. Day two-major meltdown but maybe napped a few minutes. Day three-meltdown and escapade of drawing marker all over the room, including wall and door, (gray marker) and himself, peeing on the bed and in the floor ON PURPOSE.  Day 4-didn't even attempt. Day 5- Pops and mams visited and Pops found him trying to climb on top of the dresser with no training pants on but in the trash can (he had pooped and graciously thrown them away for me.) Day 6- Actually sleep but nightmare (REALLY???) and then more poop.

Therefore, my advice for anyone who has a child with a pacifier: THROW THAT THING AWAY NOW!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Lol, bless your heart!!! I never gave mine a pacifier, and DARED the staff to at birth in the hospital! I've seen too many kids at 4 an 5 years old with them, and that was my worst fear, plus.... I nursed, and didn't want them confused. But U HAVE done good, enduring yourself through this!!! Keep up the good work!
