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Saturday, February 11, 2012

Right and Wrong

It has been a hectic few weeks lately.   My twin sister found out she has a brain tumor (that will be removed in a week), Linley has RSV and Caleb was diagnosed with walking pnemonia.  Not to mention then that Linley was put into the hospital for observation for RSV and Caleb was on antibiotics.  Let me just say, it's been crazy. 

Now, to today's story:
We are having our devotion time at the table while eating breakfast.  John is reading the devtional on Right veses Wrong.  We then have a discusison on how to apply how to choose the right thing to do.  We ask Ethan, "Now, when Caleb hits you, should you hit him back?"
Ethan's response-"Mom, Caleb scratched me in the face."
Me-"I know. But, should you hit him back when he hits you?"
Ethan-"No."  Way to go. 

Caleb's up:
Me-"Caleb, when Ethan makes you mad and takes away your toy, should you throw a truck or a train at him?" Side note-Caleb throws whatever is in hand when he gets mad.
Caleb looks at me, you can see the wheels turning.  I, of course, am waiting for a "No mom."  Here is his response:

When given the choice he would choose to throw the train over the truck.  Let's just say it took a few minutes for John and I to gather ourselves back from laughing hysterically before we could continue that lesson on no throwing at all.  

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

What happens when your hands are full.

Couple of days behind on this, but this is the first time I've had a chance to myself-but I hear one making noise now so I better type fast.

5 o'clock afternoon feeding for Miss Linley Claire, I'm sitting on the couch while the boys are playing Wipeout, as usual.  All of a sudden, there is a cat walking through our dining room.  Note: we do NOT have inside cats, I have a zoo on my own without four-legged animals in the house.  I can't run after the cat so I tell the boys to fetch it.  Poor cat. Then, running and yelling ensues.  After a few minutes the boys have captured the cat and taken it outside. Praise the Lord.

Still in the same feeding.  Ethan asks Caleb to come and see him poop. Really?  You want to go watch?  So Caleb goes to see this.  I then listen to the conversation.  Ethan yells to me, "Mom!!! Caleb is using all the water in the bathroom!! He's using all the toothbrushes!" What?  All the water in the bathroom?  Using all the toothbrushes?  So in walks Caleb. His hair is wet.  Oh dear.
 "Caleb, what did you do with the toothbrushes?"
"I put them in my mouth."
"What did you do after that?"
"I put them on my BOOOOOTTTYYYYY!!" 
Yes, he told me that then laughed his head off.  And there folks is my comedian.
 More poop from Linley follows this poop. 4 diapers all while on the changing table.  Ethan then tells me, "I'm going to be in the bathroom all night I've got so much poop."

I just laughed my head off this entire 30 minutes.  Kids make me happy, even with all the poop.